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Annie's Story

Two-year-old Annie was found at the bottom of a pool unresponsive. Thankfully a doctor was on site to immediately start administering CPR.  It undoubtedly helped save Annie's life.


SWIM ON Foundation has created the Annie Initiative to help promote the importance of learning and regularly relearning CPR. This webpage will provide resources to CPR training and CPR initiatives.


CPR helped save Annie's life.

The Annie Initiative may just save the life of another.

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The Annie Initiative

CPR Wallet Cards

The Annie Initiative cards are meant to stay in people's wallets for easy access. Hopefully these cards never have to be used, but if the situation arises, CPR instructions will be easily accessible.


To receive your FREE Annie Initiative cards, simply email SWIM ON Founder, Lisa McMullin, at with the quantity you would like!

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CPR Party

McMullin dining room becomes a temporary "field hospital" with"victims " everywhere as SWIM ON Foundation Board and Advisory Board members become CPR certified and prepare to give CPR training at CPR parties.


Schedule a CPR Party and have fun learning CPR in your own home with family and friends and be ready to respond to an aquatic emergency should it occur.

For additional details:
Contact Lisa McMullin

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